Job Search

There various ways of finding vacancies and applying for jobs such as:
  • Websites
  • Job Centre Plus for 18 years and older (soon to be 16+ in some areas)
  • Word of mouth from people you know
  • Newspapers and magazines
  • Trade papers and magazines
  • Employment agencies
  • Apprenticeships
  • Approaching employers directly

The last option usually requires you to have a Curriculum Vitae which is a document that tells the employer about you; your achievements, qualifications, interests and work history.

In the
CV section of the website there is help and downloadable example CV's and covering letters to help you get started.

The following links are to websites that offer help in finding jobs or are employers offering vacancies. These are links to outside organisations and TAGS has no preferences or any control over their quality or content. There are lots of them out there - these are just a sample of what is available.
Contact your Careers Adviser for more help.

jetlogo Liverpool in work offers vacancies in the Liverpool area - daily updates

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header-logo-signed-out-homepage Job search and vocational courses

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