Specialist College

Some young people aged 19 - 25 with very complex support needs may be able to access additional funding to attend specialist colleges.

These colleges specialise in offering courses and support tailored to individual need and help students realise their aspirations, whether they be getting a job or living independently. The colleges are a small but important part of the further education and skills sector, each one being unique in its provision and specialisms.

To access this type of college provision, it would have to be established by your local authority that there is no local education provision available to meet your needs for the course you want to take.

The local authority in these circumstances would decide whether you meet their criteria for funding and would consult with a number of local providers and agencies in an attempt to make you a ‘local offer’ before agreeing to fund a specialist place.

If you need residential accommodation, then your local social services may be asked to contribute to this, which would be subject to an assessment by adult social care.

Further information can be obtained via your local authority education representative or your Careers Adviser in school.

The following links may help you consider this as an option.

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